2 easy ways to deal with difficult situations – even in the moment!
We all face difficult and challenging situations. Things can happen unexpectedly, life can throw us a curve ball. We might have a big and difficult decision to make, or maybe a challenging situation to navigate through at work. Or maybe we are dealing with more long-term challenges, whether at work or at home.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had some way of dealing with those challenges? Something simple, doable, even when you feel under pressure.
Here’s a couple of my favourite techniques. Rather than write about them I’ve created a couple of quick videos to demonstrate and talk you through them.
And the even better thing about these techniques?
Not only will they help you in the moment, but, if you keep practising them, they will help you to become more aware of how you think and behave, and make long term changes for the better.
A simple technique to help you deal with challenging situations
A simple mindfulness technique to help you in the moment
Try it for yourself
The next time you are in a challenging situation, or feel yourself getting under pressure, try one of these out and see the difference it makes. I guarantee that you will feel better – and the outcomes of the situation you are in will be better for it.
And you know what’s even better? Not only do these techniques help you in the moment, but, if you keep practising them, an they become habits, they will help you to make changes in the long term as well. You will be more self-aware, better able to regulate your thinking and behaviour, and better equipped to deal with the difficult situations that are a part of life.
Want more help?
If you are feeling stressed and under pressure, and want to find better ways of dealing with the challenges of work and home life, then get in touch. It’s amazing the difference it can make to have a coach in your corner, working with you to help identify those small steps, and support you along the way. I specialise in working with women in stressful and busy jobs, helping them to learn and develop new habits, so that they can thrive, professionally and personally. Email and organise a chat to see how coaching could help you to thrive.